Pulling up to this place we really questioned if there was a hip-hop show going on there or not. Walking in wasn't any different, the bar was filled with what looked to be like the regulars all in their mid 50's. I didn't quite know what to expect at this point but we stuck it out because Kaznasty is a great artist (I'll have to post some of his stuff here soon).
The first act up (Hyphon and Def Mek) actually did a damn good job, with a more or less twisted sense of rap. It was definitely respectable. Then, up walks this white guy in a sweater vest. We looked around at each other not knowing what to expect. As soon as he spoke I knew we were in for a treat. His voice was sharp over melodic beats with lyrics that stuck inside you. I'd finally found Witness, the perfect poet/artist. We spoke with him after his set and told him how much we enjoyed it. We bough his album "The Evermore EP" and he gave us a free copy of this album ".45 Sweetheart". We kept both CD's of his on replay up until today. Beautiful music from a man who hails from the East coast and is now residing in Minneapolis. If you're a fan of artwork in any form check out his mixtape ".45 Sweetheart" and enjoy.
