Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Team Shells - Round the Track Series

Shells has been hard at work! She's been grinding in the studio, song after song, day after day, night after night. To showcase all her grinding Team Shells brings you a multi-series album titled "Round the Track Series". Each series will focus on one area and type of sound. The first installment to be released is "Race 1: Winter". Each album will be released seasonly, 4 times a year (Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall).

The first Race features a tribute to the Twin Cities and the Midwest sound. It's a 10 song EP, which will be released on Thanksgiving. The day it drops, it'll be avaliable for a free download that day only! After that, it will be available on the Team Shells bandcamp for $5 bucks for the entire album, and $1 a song.

You can find more info about it here:

And you can catch the first leak "Fire"

If you wanna get ahold of Shells or anyone else on the team, stop by www.teamshells.com and drop a line!

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